Amazing Achievers take the First Leap

beautiful ladies on the outdoors

At the beginning of September, 3 Seeds put out the call for students to be part of a newly formed initiative: 3 Seeds Ambassadors. We wanted to give students the opportunity to take a leadership role within 3 Seeds. Students not only would have the opportunity to develop a vast range of transferable skills but they also get the chance to gain community service, build their resume, and enhance their leadership skills.

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Their duties would range from tabling in the lunchroom, helping with programming, and more.
The students had a three-part application process which included a survey application, group interview, and short video they had to submit detailing why they would make the perfect ambassador. From the pool of all wonderful students, lucky number 7 was chosen to be the first set of Ambassadors. Senior students Briana, Jaedah, Chyna, and Alexis were chosen along with the juniors being represented by Kamira, Jenny, and Tiyanna. The students shined and set themselves apart during the application process. To date, these leaders have not only provided valuable feedback in terms of programming, but they have also helped as a peer-facilitator for a STEM conference.

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