From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow...

Mission Statement

We help people identify their talents and turn them into strengths, one conversation at a time..

man presenting his workmateJason is a Gallup Certified StrengthsFinder® Coach and Founder of Speak Seeds Consulting Group. A former public school educator and community college administrator, Jason has a natural ability to quickly build rapport and connect with clients on a personal level.

With over 12 years of experience in strategic planning, consulting, and mentoring for student groups, school administrators, churches, fraternities, and non-profit organizations, Jason has personally mentored over 50 individuals including social media influencers, recent college graduates, entrepreneurs, and administrative professionals from various industries. His work is extensive and includes conducting coaching sessions for married couples who are also entrepreneurs in addition to running StrengthsFinder® (CliftonStrengths) programs for first-generation, low-income students who live in disadvantaged communities in the south suburban Chicagoland area through his nonprofit organization, 3 Seeds Mentoring Group.

While other coaches use many different personality tools (DISC, Meyers Briggs) to engage clients, Jason’s approach is quite simple: long-lasting change and positive results are achieved by reflecting and connecting. Jason digs deep when explaining the Clifton’s 34 report, elevating his clients understanding of their natural strengths in ways that register impressively and powerfully.


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