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Introducing Speak Seeds

Welcome to Speak Seeds, a place where words have the power to recreate your tomorrow. There is so much power in the words that we choose to use everyday. It shapes our mentality and creates the habits that ultimately build our lives. Through various workshops we hope to have conversations with individuals that will raise their awareness of who they are and what they are suppose to be doing with their time. With all of the distractions in the world today, out goal is to bring substance and intelligent conversations back one mind at a time.

Upcoming Events

Take a glimpse into the recent and upcoming events we have attended or initiated. If you wish to take part in one next event, get in touch with us today!

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4 August Tuesday

Higher Scores for Higher Education

Working hard to increase the scores, the Upward students took the ACT test for the first time in September and again in December to right their goal score optimal success. Our Upward Bound students take the SAT test during their junior year,...


3 August Monday

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beautiful ladies on the outdoors

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April 27, 2020 By: speakseedsja

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April 27, 2020 By: speakseedsja

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April 27, 2020 By: speakseedsja

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